- Forening for Boghaandvoerk I’ve seen plenty of FF ligatures, but it’s the FB one on this that I like and wanted to keep for reference.
- Cumberland Capital Corp. Just great. I imagine it’s supposed to imply ‘growth’ with the tree image, but it makes a pleasing image - perfect for a monogram.
- Fernandec & Rubin This ampersand is wonderful.
- New York Aquarium Reminds me of Japanese mon, and unlike a lot of the logos that look symmetrical but aren’t, this one is. Perfectly.
- National Sea Products Limited A fish with a crown? How could I say no? I like the composition and old-timey lettering too.
- Oy Finleuy Ab This one makes me laugh. It looks like a demented chameleon.
- Norwegian Caribbean Lines Interesting to keep, just to show any letter can be made to trail off into a wavey line.
- Keystone Park I did make a slight modification to this - I cleaned up the ‘central reservation’ in the curved road. I’m not entirely sure what a motorway intersection has to do with a parkbut I’m sure it made sense at the time.
- Jonneret SA Lovely wavey lines… ‘nuff said.
- Hillier Things to do with arrows, part 295,041
- Herman Smith Management This one reallyreminds me of another logo...
- Acushnet Company And thisone reminds me of this.
- Arbeitgemeinschaft der Lukal-und Bringing to mind a labarynth, without being one.
- Kusnierz On the Flickr set, someone added a comment that this could be an alternative to the Firefox logo. I quite agree.
- Harvey Dodds Limited Simple and clever.
- Tjernlund Manufacturing Company Cute little Viking!
- Nikko Again, for reference - playing with the letterforms to ensure consistent optical space around them. It can be difficult to make letters work in a circle like this.
- Jelen This one seems really familiar too! I just can’t place it.
- Beverly Hills Bancorp Very simple and attractive - it’s quite sweet.
- Amigen Presumably a pharmaceutical logo - it certainly looks like one. I like it though.
- Montgomery Ross and Partners This was fun to draw, but as a logo it’s incredible aggressive. All those phallic arrows...
- Franco Ranchetti Now, a lot of the logos are simple geometric shapes with a chunk taken out, and they’re as a whole not very good. I think this is one of the few exceptions - the negative space does form a nice R.
- Ramon Reig Cabanas This would be quite unremarkable if the strip hadn’t been removed from the R. It’s curious.
- Health and Comfort Supplies Limited Very much of the time. Probably the only one of the op-art logos that I actually like.
- Gregson Manufacturing Company This is just weird. Combining OCR and traditional forms like that. Maybe they were going for the old "fusion of old and new" schtick.
- Pinewood Plantation Simple, not entirely satisfying, but I kept it as reference.
- Orchard Decor Canada Limited Simple and straighforward… a bit borderline for me.